Event Organiser FAQs
If you cannot find the answer to your question on this page, please don't hesitate to chat to us online using the live online chat function in the bottom right hand side of your screen now (during business hours), or alternatively please contact our Customer Service team on 1800 381 939 or email us on service@ticketebo.com.au.
Are there really no other costs other than the booking fee? What about additional Credit card fees?
Assuming you don’t require any of our premium services (such as the production of hard copy tickets, entry management personnel, complex coupon management etc – see our Pricing page for more info) then there are no other costs associated with selling tickets on Ticketebo. All credit card fees / payment gateway charges / admin costs are included in our booking fee. We believe in ensuring our pricing is extremely competitive, clear and simple. We think you will agree it is!
Why are you so much cheaper than other Ticketing providers?
Great question - we are glad you noticed! Our business is a digital business. We have chosen not to invest in expensive physical ticket outlets, and most of our processes are fully automated - so we are able to keep our costs really low. That way we can pass these savings onto you.
Does Ticketebo offer reserved seating plan ticketing?
Yes, Ticketebo offers the ability to assign allocated seating for your customers as they complete their ticket purchase online. Our seating plan technology has been designed to ensure optimal utilisation of seats at your venue, whilst also ensuring groups of customers sit together and are not separated by aisles etc. Please talk to the Client Services team about creating the seating plan for your event. (Please note there is a small once off set up cost when implementing a reserved seating plan for new events.)
Does Ticketebo offer on door scanning capabilities?
Yes. Every ticket issued has a unique barcode printed on it which can be used to scan your guests into your event. Our Ticketebo Door Scan Manager App (for iPhone / iPad and Android devices) is available free from iTunes and Google Play, and this service is provided at no cost to our organisers. The Scanning App enables rapid entry to your event from multiple synchronised devices; as well as detect and alert your entry personnel should a customer present a ticket which has already been fulfilled.
Does Ticketebo allow patrons to pay for tickets via Instalments?
Yes. We were proud to be the first ticketing company in Australia to offer our Event Organisers the ability to allow your patrons the option of paying for their tickets on interest free instalments via Openpay. For more information about enabling Openpay interest free payments for your event, please visit this link or contact us on 1800 381 939.
Do you accept payment via PayPal, Diners or American Express?
No, as the additional costs associated with these payment providers would require us to charge a higher booking fee. As almost everyone these days has (or has access to) a Visa/Mastercard Credit or Debit Card, which means they will be able to buy tickets for your event on Ticketebo.
Do I need a credit card payment gateway?
No, we provide the payment gateway for you as part of the service. All you need is a bank account so that we can pay you!
How and when do I get paid?
We know how important it is to access your sales revenues before the event to pay suppliers and invest in ways to make the event even better.
By registering your bank details using the form provided and requesting a pre payment transfer amount, we will deposit up to 50% of all your accumulated ticket revenues into your bank account before the event, with the balance of monies deposited 5 days after your event.
Do my customers have to register for Ticketebo in order to buy their tickets to my event?
They can if they want to but some choose not to, and that’s ok with us. After all, they are your customers, so why should they be forced to register for an account on Ticketebo? Plus, we think everyone has enough passwords to remember without being forced to add another one to their collection!
Can Ticketebo manage the production of pre printed base stock tickets for sale of tickets via traditional channels?
Yes, we can manage the production of base stock tickets for distribution through other outlets. These tickets will have our integrated barcodes on to ensure a single barcoding solution for your event. This service is one of our Premium Organiser service offerings and is not free to organisers (given the costs of print ticket production and the integration of our barcoding solution unique to your tickets). For more information on this service and for pricing to your ticketing requirements, please contact us on 1800 381 939.
Can events be kept private?
Yes, you are able to select whether you want your event to be found through a Ticketebo site search (and also whether the page can be seen by search engines like Google). Once you've made your event private the only way a person can access your event page is if they know your chosen URL (and will need to type that into their web browser or click on a link to the page that you send them).
What sales reporting is available to me as an organiser?
As an organiser a number of detailed sales reports are available to you, and you are able to set the frequency at which you automatically receive these reports. The reports available are as follows: Detailed Sales report (all sales with ticket/transaction details); Attendee report; Combined Multi-event Sales reporting; Reserved Seating Plan reporting. In addition the free Ticketebo App will provide you a live feed of how many tickets have been sold to your event (including reporting by ticket type).
Can we limit the sales of ticket volumes?
Yes. Ticket volumes are set for your ticket types and when these volumes are reached the ticket type will be marked as sold out on the ticketing page, ensuring you cannot oversell tickets to your event.
Can we offer multiple ticket types being available for sale?
Yes, it is quite normal that there are multiple ticket types available for sale to the same event (eg Adult / Concession / Family tickets).
Can we have various ticket types some of which are paid and others free?
Yes. This is popular for many events where the organiser is needing to understand headcount at the venue (incl. children) but where the child ticket is not charged for entry. By offering a free child ticket all people arriving at the door will have a ticket and be included in the headcount tracking (this info is also provided on the scanning App for you as the organiser). And best of all there is no booking fee charged for the free ticket type.
Can our various ticket types have differing selling start and end dates (eg Early Bird tickets which close off on a certain date, after which other ticket types go on sale)?
Yes. Our Client Services team can assist in this regard.
Are we able to set up promotions to help drive ticket sales?
Yes, there are a considerable number of options here, and our Client Services team can work with you to devise a promotional schedule which best suits your event’s needs. Discounts can be automatically applied based on a range of rules determined by you (eg multi ticket package discounts), or through the use of a Coupon Code system whereby the you determine the rules of how these work giving you full control of your pricing and promotional offers (eg.a 15% weekend promotion). We have a large number of options available to organisers in terms of promotional codes. Codes can be issued which provide a $ or % discount per item or per sale.
Are we able to issue complimentary tickets for our paid event (eg tickets for our VIP Guests)?
Yes, our Client Services team can assist you in issuing you a management 100% discount code specific to your event - which when applied at checkout will remove the total price of the ticket/s from the cart. A charge of $1 (Inc) per ticket is liable for paid ticket types where tickets are processed using the 100% discount code (deducted from your final ticket sales proceeds).
If we are registered for GST, can you issue Tax Invoices on our behalf to patrons?
Yes, in our role as your limited commercial agent, on provision of your valid ABN details, and active GST registration status, then the ticket/s issued to your patrons will include a Tax Invoice detailing the GST charged in their order. In the case of a non GST registered entity we issue patrons a Receipt on your behalf. In all cases where the booking fee is paid for by the consumer, then the patron will also receive a tax invoice detailing the GST paid in the Booking Fee to Ticketebo.